“Diego Maradona played for Tottenham hotspurs!”Yeah! You read it right! Talk about a sport with one of the biggest followers in the world...that's Football!It's time to Discover absolutely unbelievable facts about the round leather game! 1.North Korea has the largest stadium in the world! Yeah!That same North Korea! North Korea is sure popular for a lot of things but football isn't just one of them. Well,they have the largest stadium in the world and it's called the “RUNGRADO MAY DAY STADIUM". Opened on the 1st of May 1989,the 114000 -capacity masterpiece occupies 20.7 hectares of land on Rungra Island, Pyongyang,North Korea. 2. 149-0 149-0 was the scoreline between SO Emyrne ans AS Adema of Madagascar in the Madagascar top flight in the year 2002. The bigger surprise? THEY WERE ALL OWN GOALS!CRAZY RIGHT!? SO EMYRNE were unhappy about a penalty call made against them in their previous game so they decided to protest.The result? 149 goals i...
Did you know?A blue whale's tongue weigh as much as an elephant! Known as the world's largest animal,the blue whale is sure a fantastic animal. From being able to eat sharks,swallow cars to....,a lot of misconceptions has been built up about the blue whale. Below are some facts about the blue whale: • BLUE WHALES ACTUALLY APPEAR TO BE GREY! In contrast to their name,blue whales are actually greyish when at the surface of water. • BLUE WHALE DIETS CONSIST MAINLY OF KRILL! Blue whales don't eat large animals like most people think.What they eat is krill.(krills are small shrimp like crusteceans) • THEIR HEARTS WEIGH AS MUCH AS A CAR. A blue whales heart weighs 310kg which will be equal to the weight of a small car. • THEIR TONGUES CAN WEIGH AS MUCH AS AN ELEPHANT ! Weighing 3600kg(8000pounds),a blue whale's tongue would weigh more than a female asian elephant but not as much as the African male. • THEIR THROAT MEASURES LESS THAN ONE FEET WIDE! • A FULL SIZ...