As unbelievable as it sounds,the idea of a fish being able to generate electricity strong enough to light a bulb or even stun a man is actually real. What's more is that several kinds of fish belonging to different families have this ability. Today,the focus is the electric ray also known as torpedoes. Description They are a group of flattened cartilaginous fish with enlarged pectoral fins. They are soft,smooth skinned,with a nearly circular body disk formed by its head and pectoral fins and grow to a length between the range of 2-6ft. Facts •It gives birth to live young ones •It is a fish-eater,using its electrical ability to stun other fishes. •Its has to be touched in order to discharge electric shocks •It is a quite sluggish fish but still manages to catch very active fish. •The biggest ones give off charges of potential difference of between 170-220V. Mystery solved They possess on each side of the head,behind the eyes a disk-shaped e...
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