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20 mind blowing facts

The sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" uses every letter of the English alphabet!  Amazing?Okay check this out>>>"Australia is a continent as well as an island...but Australia isn't the biggest island in the world!"...That's even more amazing?  Now, sit back and enjoy our list of mind blowing facts.              •Jellyfish have no heart,brain and bones!   •The world's most successful pirate was a woman! •Russia has more surface area compared to Pluto!  •NASA's internet speed is 91GB per second!  •A small child could swim through the veins of a blue whale!  •A bolt of lightning can toast 100 000 slices of bread!   •Hummingbirds can flap their wings 200 times a second!   Share our posts to various platforms to help us grow. Thank you! •Bottled water expiration dates are for the bottle not for the water! •You can see 2 sunsets from the Burj Khalifa in one...

Electric fish: Torpedoes

As unbelievable as it sounds,the idea of a fish being able to generate electricity strong enough to light a bulb or even stun a man is actually real. What's more is that several kinds of fish belonging to different families have this ability. Today,the focus is the electric ray also known as torpedoes. Description They are a group of flattened cartilaginous fish with enlarged pectoral fins.    They are soft,smooth skinned,with a nearly circular body disk formed by its head and pectoral fins and grow to a length between the range of 2-6ft. Facts •It gives birth to live young ones •It is a fish-eater,using its electrical ability to stun other fishes. •Its has to be touched in order to discharge electric shocks •It is a quite sluggish fish but still manages to catch very active fish. •The biggest ones give off charges of potential difference of between 170-220V. Mystery solved They possess on each side of the head,behind the eyes a disk-shaped e...

Mystery Renamed:The Bermuda Triangle

Also known as "Devil's triangle", the Bermuda triangle is one thing that has got people talking. Despite the fact that different books and numerous articles have been written on it,its mystery remains pretty unsolved. Let's take a look at one or two things about this mystery... Location The Bermuda triangle is a region of the Northern Atlantic ocean bounded by Bermuda, Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica and Puerto Rico. Though its exact boundaries are not universally agreed upon,it ranges between 1 300 000 and 3 900 000 sqkm and has a roughly triangular shape. Facts •Despite its notoriety, the Bermuda triangle is one of the regularly sailed shipping route and aircrafts also travel the air routes above it frequently. •The incidents reported are no larger than those of other heavily travelled regions. •No remains of a ship or plane involved in the incidents has been found. •Pilot Bruce Gernon once claimed to have experienced an electronic fog in the regio...

Underwater Waterfalls: Denmark strait cataract

Underwater waterfalls? Ever heard of them?Do you even think they exist? The thing is...they exist! And we're about to read about the highest of them all. Though isn't as popular as its earth counterparts, the Denmark strait cataract is pure wonder. This wonder of a waterfall is found on the western side of the Denmark strait in the Atlantic ocean,on the Arctic circle between Iceland and Greenland. Fact • The world's highest waterfall  With an height of 11500ft,the Denmark strait cataract is the highest waterfall in the world. Its height is triple that of the tallest waterfall on land,Angel falls. • Flowrate of 5million m³ per second  No waterfall on land comes close to this speed.The Niagara falls for example flows at just 2,407m³ per second.  • The water doesn't just say at the bottom!  When the water reaches the bottom, it forms a massive body travelling south at a velocity which is 20-30 times greater than that of the combined water of al...